Thursday, May 28, 2009


Prosperous. That's kind of a loaded word. A lot of people associate the word with financial well-being, but at their core, the words "prosper"," prosperous" and "prosperity" just relate to success in any area. Thrive. Flourish. Succeed. This blog is dedicated to betterment - to topics that will help you improve the quality of your life.

Some people refer to some of the topics discussed here as "soft skills"; I prefer to call them core competencies. These are subjects that aid us in our efforts to become more productive and valuable in our role, whether that be as a parent, a worker, a CEO or a mate. In general these core skills can be broken up into two groups - becoming better at interpersonal relationships (communicating, leading, etc) and becoming more productive (better organized, more focussed, higher output). Neither of these should come at the expense of our stress levels, and in fact, when we improve in either of these areas, you will find that will have a dramatic affect on your stress levels. In fact, that is really the only reason I can say "live long" along with "prosper" - I'm not planning on including any magical health cures on this blog, but if you can live happier, more stress free, and with better relationships, (criteria that many would say add up to "more successfully), every study out there says you will also live longer.